
THE TEKKNOKATER: if is a small electrically contaminated Weimar town animal.
unfortunately, it seems only very seldom, because it becomes by his confiding nature easily a victim, more rottenly of underhand attacks, by natural enemies. thereby it is on the move mostly only late at night to move in the protection of the darkness. should you have once this succeed and such an animal discover, it does not scare away immediately it could be last of his race, thank you......
learns me, nevertheless know!

Eastside RockazZ Records (Official): Eastside RockazZ presents Clash of the Titans III - the Hardway

Eastside RockazZ Records (Official): Eastside RockazZ presents Clash of the Titans III - the Hardway

Eastside RockazZ presents Clash of the Titans III - the Hardway

Eastside RockazZ Presents Clash of the Titans III - the Hardway @ Sthoerbeatz Radio Germany 

Start 20H - ???  Open end  =B-)

1. WMP !!! 
2. Winamp, RealPlayer, iTunes, usw. 

coming soon 13.11. or 14.11.2011 ===> the Clash downloads on www.DjSets.eu ;) 
for your fans, friends, sets to download and many more action & fun join in, feel free ! :)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Eastside RockazZ Info´s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Soundcloud: http://lnk.ms/DkzP9
Twitter: http://twitter.com/EastsideRockazZ

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Applications will be accepted only by email

Partnership & Support´s
Sthoerbeatz Radio Germany

Thx on all Helpers & Supporter & Musicans from Planet Techno

Eastside RockazZ  - We LOVE Underground !!!

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